Sport Car
I think that this print and moving image advert is targeted at men but the moving image is target at young boy for want to own a Porsche sport car in the future, also is targeted for wealthy people because a sport car is very expensive. the reson why sport cars are target at men beacuse most men drive sport cars, but some women drive a lot of sport cars.
Firstly you could change the male characters in both adverts and put a female character in both of them, and adding a different background which is more appealing toward women, also the changing the colours, setting and etc.
Diving watch
I think these advert are both target toward men who like wearing expensive watches, both these advert feature men, this lead to the case that a lot of men wear watches. However many women wear watches in an everyday life.
One way how to change the primary audience toward women is having a woman instead of a man and adding women’s features like changing the colours and the changing the trailer to a film which is target at women like sex in the city or means girls.
I think that this advert is all targets at men who like drinking beer, socially. The reason why bottle beer target men because it an illegal for a young peon to buy beer and drink it in a pub or night club, plus you wouldn’t see a women holding and drinking a bottle beer. Moreover drinking beer has always been a man thing, and women like drinking tea and wine, it make them look more sophisticated. You change the main target audience toward women by adverting a different idea i.e. wine or tea.
toilet paper
I think if they used something different like a soft football this can introduce a new audience like men and then many men will buy the products.
I Deodorant
I feel that these both advert all target men as deodorant is mostly for men because they want to smell good to attract more women. Well deodorant is both for men and women so it targets both genders.
I i feel that these advert both target men but it introduce children to start smoking cigarettes because this is a children television show and their main audience are children. The ad feature two men smoking and the women are just watching them but at the time this show is aimed at children. A lot of women smoke cigarettes, so this can target both genders
Cleaning Products
I think that these adverts are target at women, mostly parents/mums because mums do the weekly shopping and buy all the products, and mother buys the cleaning products for everyone in the family. I think if they used something different like a soft football this can introduce a new audience like men and then many men will buy the products.
I think that these adverts are targeted at men, and who like wearing trainers and playing sport games, the advert features a British artist who is promoting his song and trainers. Well one reason how the advert can appeals toward women if the colours of the poster was appealing to girls and the music artist was a girls who lyrics can appeals toward girls like Adele and etc. #
This commercial is aimed at men and women because they both can flight a airline, and show how everyone is equal. The ad is aimed at both genders. The reason why this ad is aimed at men and women because both genders are equal and can do anything they wish to do.
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